Selasa, 05 April 2011

Era of Globalization

H Gubsu SE Syamsul Arifin said at the age of independence to 63, the nation again face the ordeal of which the economic crisis, a crisis of confidence multidimensional, natural disasters, declining economic level, the number of unemployed increased.

"The whole community can prepare themselves and if not will be spectators in their own country," he said in his speech read out Sekdaprovsu Gubsu Drs RE Nainggolan on permanent exhibition of the history of national struggle and the opening party at the Museum of North Sumatra Malay culture of State Road HM Joni Medan, on Monday [04 / 08].

In terms of ideology, political, economic, social and cultural rights in the future, if it can not be anticipated, the era of globalization and the information will be threats, challenges, obstacles and interference in the process of acculturation of values ​​as embodied in the ideology of Pancasila and the Constitution 45.

In addition, the number of poor people also can cause insecurity in the social, and cultural kamtibmas. Especially in creating a conducive climate security and economic recovery.

"I am confident and believe that if all components of the nation has a soul, spirit and values ​​of 45 and a strong identity, the problems our state and nation are experiencing multidimensional crisis can be resolved gradually," he said.

In the face of it must remain united, supported each other to face the challenges, such as unity and the unity that has been evidenced by freedom fighters in defending and maintaining independence.

Next generation of national struggle must animate the spirit, ideals and sacrifice of our national heroes. Head of the State Museum Provsu Dra Sri Hartini MSI is also General Chairman of the Executive Committee added, the purpose of this activity as a process of inheritance of values ​​and defend the independence struggle, as the transmission of cultural values ​​to the general public especially the younger generation.

Both these objectives have the same characteristics of fostering a national identity that embodied the attitude of nationalism, heroism and patriotism. Also contained cultural values ​​as the object identity of the nation-state backers. Therefore, this goal has a mission to keep Harmono, integrity and identity of the nation state.

Chairman of the Board of the Regional Daily Angkatan 45 HB AR SH Pulungan expect, through a permanent exhibition of the history of this nation's struggle to recall the historical consciousness that the unity and integrity of NKRI must be maintained and preserved so that the phrase 'learn from history' is not a mere slogan.

Meanwhile, Chairman of PW Malay Association of Indonesia (ismi) of North Sumatra Dr Umar Zein, Sp.PD, DTM & H, MHA, KPTI say, in this cultural feast exhibited artifacts, accessories and treasures of the Malay culture as a process aimed at devolution of cultural values ​​to the community.

"As such, cultural values ​​are not only known but can be used as a collective identity that is as an activator of Malay culture community," said Kadis this Medan Health. (Aje)

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