Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Biografi KH. Hasyim Asy'ari

Viewed from this aspect interesting to see when KH Hasyim Ash'ari and the founder of NU's kiai learning at Mosque Haram.Salah a famous sheikh there is Sheikh Ahmad Zaini Dahlan (died 1886). Author of Syarh Ajurumiyyahyangbanyakdiajarkandi Islamic boarding schools are Sheikh Nawawi Banten intimate friends and have many students from the archipelago. There are about two dozen papers are only entitled Khulashatul dihasilkannya.Salah Kalam fi Bayani Umara Baladil Haram (Mohammad AminTawfiq editor, edition of the Dar Al-Saqi, 1993).

This book tells about the history of the rulers of Mecca and Medina since the Abbasid era until 1884. What is interesting for authors reviewed the experience with a number of rulers of Mecca (known as "syarif") since 1840 until this 1884.Pengalaman be important to see the context of how the scholars and students wrestled with the Grand Mosque at the time of political kekuatankekuatan're gaining hegemony in Arab.Pengalaman soil is then brought such a huge impact for the alumni recitation of Mecca after returning to their homeland each.

That includes the self-Ash'ari Kiai Hasyim and Kiai Wahab Hasbullah who later founded the NU in Java in 1926. There are three forces that are fighting at that time: the Turkish-Ottoman empire, imperialismeInggrisdanPrancis, and expansion with kelompokWahabinya Saud dynasty. Sheikh Ahmad Zaini Dahlan describe in detail how the third game that power at the end of the book. Turkish-Ottoman political grip very kuat.Ada tens of thousands of troops of Muhammad Ali Pasha of Egypt, the representation of Turkish-Ottoman rule in the vicinity of Mecca. There is also rongrongan Saud-Wahhabi forces with British support, which at times can be attacked Mecca as happened in 1802, but was driven back by the Egyptian-Turkish army in the next year.

Then, the presence of British and French who wanted mengamankanjalurekonomimerekadi east and west coast of the Arabian Peninsula. Both these imperialist countries trying to reduce the influence of the Turkish-Ottoman Syria in the surrounding area and secure the transportation routes to the Suez Canal. British attack into the city of Jeddah on the Red Sea in 1857 shows the strategic position of economic strength of Hijaz. To deal with the third power, the Sharif of Mecca had the support of the scholars who most bermazhab Shafi Hijaz. Sharif Abdullah (1858-1877) raised Zaini Dahlan as mufti of Mecca in 1871.

Position is held up to three syarif berikutnya.Selama Zaini Dahlan was also to see for himself how the position of clergy is not just involved with the business of teaching, but also actively involved in political struggles that time. There are two major issues of concern Sheikh Zaini Dahlan that time: teaching self-reliance and independence of the Land of Haram Hijaz from nations outside intervention.

The first issue shows the character as a highly independent scholar and faqih fi mashalilhi khalq (who look after the interests of the people), and not just giving legitimacy to power. The second issue showed the political-economic sovereignty "locality-nationality" which includes golden triangle region of Hijaz (Mecca-Jeddah-Madinah.) Golden triangle is a frequent target of outside forces to capture it. Even so, relations between syarif Mecca with the scholars did not move the political support of local clergy lurus.Para Mecca who want independence from Turkish rule, but do not agree with the justification of the ruling on slavery.

Sharif of Mecca supported to stem the expansion of English-French, but did not agree when syarif Mecca give any concessions for the entry of Britain to Jeddah. They also join hands with Sharif to put a halt to the movement of groups of Ibn Saud-Wahhabi puritans, but does not agree with hedonistic life syarif family. Although Mecca eventually fall into the hands of Ibn Saud-Wahhabi in 1925, but Zaini Dahlan gave lessons meaningful to the lives of scholars and students who study in the Land Haram.Mereka not only studied religion and the affairs of the Hereafter, but also learning and political empowerment strategy strengthening local economies.

These two issues are later translated by the scholars and the archipelago when establishing NU kiai in Java in 1926: self-reliance and independence of the Indonesian pesantren of imperialism is reflected in the declaration of establishment asing.Itu NU written as KH Muhammad Dahlan Kebondalem, co-founder of NU : "The establishment of NU is to enforce Islamic law according to the teachings of Ahl al-Sunnah Waljamaah and invites the nation to love the fatherland." And that is shown when Kiai Wahab Hasbullah back to Java.

He founded Nahdlatuttujjar in 1918, discussion forums Tashwirul Afkar, Nahdlatul Wathan, to NU on 1926.Mereka learn and explore the religion, but also teaches the bond of nationality. Kiai Hasyim Ash'ari, Kiai Wahab, and the other kiai all indicate the ability of integrating Islamic teachings to the context of textual locality, gave birth to the substantive knowledge and political orientation. How to NU to bring the teachings of Islam not through a formal way, the more so in a way smashed head-on with reality, but with how flexible and accommodating. National politics as it has consistently become NU's political line all the way Indonesia's independence.

Starting from the resolution of Jihad in 1945 to when faced with separatist movements like the religious overtones of TII in West Java, PRRI / Permesta and Kahar Muzakkar rebellion in South Sulawesi in the 1950s until the 1960s. In all, NU stand firmly on the side of republik.Mereka also always ready to defend the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia from outside intervention. Political line like that is what allows the NU accept Pancasila and the Unitary Republic of Indonesia as the final form of the Muslim struggle, as something to be defended and preserved. That's all thanks to the lessons the teacher, Sheikh Zaini Dahlan, almaghfurlah. (*)

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

recorded history of Tsunami warnings

Earthquake with power of 7.2 on the Richter scale rocked the area off the coast of northeastern Japan on Wednesday, and potentially so dimaklumatkan tsunami early warning, according to Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA).

Tsunami warnings as high as 50 centimeters dimaklumatkan to Japan's northeastern region, a report by public broadcaster NHK.

The quake's epicenter was 10 kilometers below the earth's surface, off the coast of Aomori Prefecture, NHK said.

Tohoku Electric Power Company declared Onagawa nuclear power plant is operating normally after the initial quake. Meanwhile, Tokyo Electric Power also said there was no effect on its power plants in the region.

Earthquakes are common in Japan, one of which is seismically the most active in the world. The country was facing 20 percent of earthquakes with the power of 6.0 on the Richter scale or more of the world.

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

beginning of the formation of computer

Beginning of the computer that actually created by a British mathematics professor, Charles Babbage (1791-1871). 1812, Babbage noticed natural fit between the mechanical and mathematical machinery of mechanical machines is very good at doing the same tasks repeatedly without error, while math requires a simple repetition of these steps Kemudain tertentu.Masalah grown to placing the machine mechanics as a tool to answer Babbage mekanik.Usaha needs first to address this problem emerged in 1822 when he proposed a machine to melakukanperhitungan differensial.Mesin equation is called the Machine Differensial.Dengan using steam power, the machine can store programs and can perform calculations and print the results automatically .

After working with Differential Engine for ten years, Babbage was suddenly inspired to start making general-purpose computer first, called the Analytical Engine.Asisten Babbage, Augusta Ada King (1815-1842) has an important role in the manufacture of machinery ini.Ia help revise the plan, seek funding from the British government, and communicating the specifications to publik.Selain's Analytical Engine, a good understanding of Augusta on this machine makes it possible to put instructions into the machine and also make it a female programmer who pertama.Pada 1980, the Department of Defense United States named a programming language with the name of the ADA as a tribute to him.

Babbage's steam engine, although never completed, it seems very primitive when compared with the standard kini.Bagaimanapun also, the tool describes the basic elements of a modern computer and also revealed a concept penting.Terdiri of about 50,000 components, the basic design of the Analytical Engine using perforated cards (with holes) that contains the operating instructions for the machine.

In the Year 1889, Herman Hollerith (1860-1929) also applies the principle of perforated cards to make his first penghitungan.Tugas is to find a faster way to perform calculations for the U.S. Census Bureau Serikat.Sensus previously conducted in 1880, took seven years to complete perhitungan.Dengan growing population, the Bureau estimates that it takes ten years to complete the census calculations.

Hollerith used perforated cards to enter census data which is then processed by the tool in mekanik.Sebuah card can store up to 80 variabel.Dengan using these tools, the results of the census can be completed within six minggu.Selain have an advantage in the areas of speed, the card serves as data.Tingkat storage media miscalculation drastis.Hollerith also can be pressed and then develop these tools and sell them to people luas.Ia founded the Tabulating Machine Company in 1896 which later became International Business Machine (1924) after some time another such merger.Perusahaan Remington Rand and Burroghs also produce a card reader bisnis.Kartu perforation perforation for business use by businesses and governments to permrosesan data until 1960.

In the next period, some engineers to make new discoveries lainnya.Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) created a calculator to solve differential equations in the year 1931.Mesin can solve complex differential equations that have been considered among akademisi.Mesin complicated by the very large and heavy as hundreds of serrations and the shaft is required to perform perhitungan.Pada 1903, John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry tried to make a computer that applied Boolean algebra electrical circuits elektrik.Pendekatan is based on the work of George Boole (1815-1864) in the form of a binary system of algebra, which states that any mathematical equation can be expressed as true or salah.Dengan conditions apply right and wrong into the electrical circuit in the form of connect-off, Atanasoff and Berry made the first electric computer in their project 1940.Namun stalled due to loss of funding sources.

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

historical development of computer

The first machine that utilizes this new technology is a supercomputer. IBM makes supercomputers, Stretch and Sprery-Rand makes a computer named LARC. These computers, which was developed for atomic energy laboratories, could handle large amounts of data, a capability that is needed by researchers atoms. The machine was very expensive and tend to be too complex for business computing needs, thereby limiting its popularity.

There are only two LARC has ever installed and used: one at the Lawrence Radiation Labs in Livermore, California, and the other in the U.S. Navy Research and Development Center in Washington DC Second generation computers replaced machine language with assembly language. Assembly language is a language that uses abbreviations to replace the binary code.

Computer history

computer history
since there is a computer, data processing has been done by humans. Humans also find the tools of mechanics and electronics to help human beings in the calculation and data processing in order to get results faster. Computers that we meet today is a long evolution of human inventions since available including mechanical and electronic equipment.
     Today computers and supporting devices have been included in every aspect of life and work. Computers that exist now have a greater ability than ordinary mathematical calculations. Among them is a computer system at the kassa supermarket shopping goods is able to read the code, telephone exchange that handles millions of calls and communications, computer networks and the Internet that connects various places in the world.

The existence of the Second World War, the countries involved in the war sought to develop computers to exploit their potential strategic importance computer. This increased funding to accelerate the progress of the development of computer and computer engineering. In 1941, Konrad Zuse, a German engineer to build a computer Z3, to design airplanes and missiles.

Party allies also made other progress in the development of computer power. In 1943, the British completed the secret code-breaking computer called Colossus to decode German-secret used. The Colossus's impact influenced the development of the computer industry because of two reasons. First, Colossus was not a multi-purpose computer general-purpose computer), it is only designed to decode secret messages. Second, the existence of these machines kept confidential until a decade after the war ended.

Work done by the Americans at that time produced some other advancement. Howard H. Aiken (1900-1973), a Harvard engineer working with IBM, succeeded in producing electronic calculators for the U.S. Navy. The calculator is a length of half a football field and has a range of 500 miles of cable. The Harvd-IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, or Mark I, an electronic relay computer. He uses electromagnetic signals to move the mechanical components. The machine beropreasi with slow (it takes 3-5 seconds for each calculation) and inflexible (the order of calculations can not be changed). The calculator can perform basic arithmetic calculations and equations are more complex.

Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Sejarah Singkat Internet

Internet telah membuat revolusi dunia komputer dan dunia komunikasi yang tidak pernah diduga sebelumnya.Penemuan  telegram, telepon, radio, dan komputer merupakan rangkaian kerja ilmiah yang menuntun menuju terciptanya Internet yang lebih terintegrasi dan lebih berkemampuan dari pada alat-alat tersebut. Internet memiliki kemampuan penyiaran ke seluruh dunia, memiliki mekanisme diseminasi informasi, dan sebagai media untuk berkolaborasi dan berinteraksi antara individu dengan komputernya tanpa dibatasi oleh kondisi geografis.
Tulisan ini hanya merupakan sebuah uraian singkat dan tidak menguraikan secara rinci sejarah internet.  Banyak tulisan yang mudah anda dapat berkaitan dengan Internet, sejarahnya, teknologinya dan penggunaannya. Di toko buku  anda dapat memilih sendiri buku-buku tentang Internet. 2 . Dalam tulisan ini, 3 beberapa dari para penulis terlibat dalam pengembangan dan evolusi teknologi internet khususnya dalam penemuan dan sejarahnya. Sejarah intenet dapat dibagi dalam empat aspek yaitu
1.Adanya aspek evolusi teknologi yang dimulai dari riset packet switching (paket pensaklaran) ARPANET (berikut teknologi perlengkapannya) yang pada saat itu dilakukan riset lanjutan untuk mengembangkan
wawasan terhadap infrastruktur komunikasi data yang meliputi beberapa dimensi seperti skala,performannce/kehandalan, dan kefungsian tingkat tinggi.
2.Adanya aspek pelaksanaan dan pengelolaan sebuah infrastruktur yang global dan kompleks.
3.Adanya aspek sosial yang dihasilkan dalam sebuah komunitas masyarakat besar yang terdiri dari para Internauts yang bekerjasama membuat dan mengembangkan terus teknologi ini.
4.Adanya aspek komersial yang dihasilkan dalam sebuah perubahan ekstrim namun efektif dari sebuah  penelitian yang mengakibatkan terbentuknya sebuah infrastruktur informasi yang besar dan berguna.  Internet sekarang sudah merupakan sebuah infrastruktur informasi global (widespread information infrastructure), yang awalnya disebut "the National (atau Global atau Galactic) Information Infrastructure" di Amerika Serikat. Sejarahnya sangat kompleks dan mencakup banyak aspek seperti teknologi, organisasi, dan komunitas. Dan  pengaruhnya tidak hanya terhadap bidang teknik komunikasi komputer saja tetapi juga berpengaruh kepada masalah sosial seperti yang sekarang kita lakukan yaitu kita banyak mempergunakan alat-alat bantu on line untuk mencapai
sebuah bisnis elektronik (electronic commerce), pemilikan informasi dan berinteraksi dengan masyarakat.