Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Peninggalan Sejarah Tahun 60-70 AN

Salah satu yang paling luar biasa pada catatan bangkai kapal, Amerika SS terdampar di lepas pantai Kepulauan Canary, setelah badai memecah towlines dan menyeret sebuah kapal tunda kapal di dekat pantai Maroko. Setelah terdampar di pantai, di lambung Amerika terbelah dua, dan akhirnya bagian buritan tenggelam.
Ada sebuah catatan menarik tentang kapal itu. Setelah kapal itu terdampar, penduduk setempat lantas merampoknya habis habisan. Bahkan konon, banyak perabotan di rumah-rumah penduduk terbuat dari potongan potingan kapal raksasa itu
Jika Dr Evil adalah seseorang yang nyata, ia akan membutuhkan tempat persembunyian yang nyata, dan bahwa tempat persembunyian nyata mungkin sekali adalah The Ryugyong Hotel di Pyongyang, Korea Utara. Ini adalah bangunan raksasa dengan 105 lantai, namun anehnya, tak ada satupun jendela di sana. Entah bagaimana konsep sebenarnya dari bangunan raksasa ini sampai-sampai tidak memberikan satupun jendela di sana.
Bangunan unik ini memiliki tinggi 330 meter, berbentuk mirip piramida dengan 3000 kamar. Rencananya di sana ada 7 restoran, namun pembangunannya tidak pernah selesai.
Surat kabar memperkirakan biaya konstruksi hotel aneh ini pada masa itu sekitar $ 750 juta – 2% dari PDB Korea Utara. Diperkirakan pembangunan konstruksi ini terhenti pada tahun 1992 karena kurangnya pendanaan, masalah kelangkaan listrik, dan kelaparan yang terjadi di negeri itu.
Bangunan itu sendiri sebenarnya sudah selesai, namun tidak memiliki jendela serta perlengkapan atau alat kelengkapan lain. Padahal bangunan hotel ini merupakan sastu dari 18 hotel tertinggi di dunia. Sayang sekali! The Ryugyong oleh pejabat Korea Utara sempat diubah menjadi benteng. Lalu, sebagian bangunan ini dihancurkan oleh bom.

Daerah disebut San Zhi. Tidak diketahui nama arsiteknya karena pembangunan ini diperintahkan oleh pemerintah kepada beberapa perusahaan local. Awalnya, bangunan-bangunan itu diperuntukkan bagi tempat wisata mewah yang melambangkan Taipei yang makmur dan kaya. Namun kini keadaan menjadi terbalik. Bangunan-bangunan yang tadinya untuk tempat pariwisata telah berubah menjadi aneh dan berhantu. Banyak kejadian-kejadian aneh diisukan terjadi di sana.
Walhasil, tidak satupun wisatawan mau berkunjung ke sana, apalagi untuk berlibur, Koran-koran setempat mengatakan ada banyak kecelakaan selama konstruksi, dan sebagai berita menyebar ke warga kota negara pulau itu, sehingga mereka takut datang ke sana. Warga setempat mengatakan wilayah itu sekarang dihantui oleh roh-roh penasaran dari pekerja yang mati sia sia di sana. Ini membuat mereka yang tadinya berusaha bertahan, akhirnya kabur dari tempat itu. Lama kelamaan kota wisata itu menjadi kosong

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

The Internet has become the most important public space

Today, with the occurrence of various global events, this commitment becomes much more important than ever. By keeping these rights in the digital era, we also will keep the potential and promise of the future of the Internet to become a place of exchange of ideas, innovation, connectivity and economic growth. With the background of events in Egypt recently, and the closure of the largest Internet is happening in our times, we have heard many requests from President Obama, Clinton's Secretary of State, and world leaders so that we all respect the freedom to communicate to a high and, in particular in the search and exchange of information via the Internet. Indonesia has the second largest Facebook community in the world, and the third largest users to Twitter, and also "home" to millions of blogs with all kinds of topics: photography, politics, religion, sports, and fashion, which is the general topics of reading and writing . The Internet has become the most important public space in the 21st century - has become a meeting place for all people in the world. Indonesian people live in a free country where the constitution guarantees freedom of individuals such as freedom of assembly, assemble, and expression. Therefore, Indonesia does not recognize gender, religion, ethnicity, or economic background to have open Internet access will be used to obtain information, express opinion, and hanging out together online. Various acts of civil peace that we have seen such as the Indonesian Unite and "Coins for Pritchard", began appearing on the Internet. Citizens from around the world every day to meet and interact via the Internet to view news and exchange information about what is happening in the world or to ensure that their voices were heard. Through these dialogues, either online or direct conversations, various new dimension in the debate which we have done for centuries began to emerge, such as ways of governing the best ways to uphold justice, the ways to achieve prosperity and ways to create conditions that support long-term development, both inside and outside our country. Connectedness that emerged in the digital age has created a new impetus to find solutions to various issues such a long time. For that, the world's governments must now take the tough decisions that will determine the future of the Internet. We know these choices, but we do not know how to reject those choices. How can we choose to protect the freedom and security? Between transparency and secrecy? Between freedom of expression and tolerance and harmony? First, freedom and security is too often viewed as something that each stand alone, but we must have both, either in cyberspace or in the real world. We are reminded every day of appointments at once the danger the information age. We must have adequate security to realize freedom, but not too much, so would endanger freedom. In the balance between liberty and security, its criterion is the rule of law. Our adherence to the rule of law not just disappear in cyberspace. Similarly, our commitment to civil liberties. United States has an equally strong commitment both in the real world and in cyberspace to track down and stop acts of terrorism and crime. The two sides of it, we seek to achieve these goals in accordance with the values ​​that we profess. It's no secret that the "security" is often used as justification to destroy the freedom of the Internet. Governance arresting bloggers, which interfere with the activities of its citizens, and limiting or denying access to information for reasons of security guard is not justified. Silence the idea will not make the idea was lost. Second, we must protect both transparency and confidentiality. Transparency is important. We can and must give citizens information about their government and opened the door for them to do business that was once closed to most people. However, secrecy also is important. Ability to maintain confidentiality and government organizations in carrying out their mission and in serving the interests of society. Government does have a higher standard in maintaining confidentiality because they serve the interests of society. However, all governments apply certain degree of confidentiality when dealing with matters such as public safety and national security. For example, it is not fair to publish sensitive details of negotiations between countries about how to locate and dispose of nuclear materials, or how to combat violence by the drug mafia Third, we must strive to protect freedom of expression, and at the same time fostering tolerance. Just like the town square, the Internet is home to every type of speech: false, offensive, constructive and innovative. With an online population of more than two billion are growing rapidly, the nature and variety of online speeches will also be developed. Undeniably, in line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone has the right to freedom of expression. The challenge is to meet its commitment to freedom of expression online by emphasizing the importance of the benefits of the Internet to promote tolerance and peace. We believe that the best way to do this is to promote freedom of speech more and not limit it. Exposing and challenging offensive speech, not suppress it, will provide an opportunity for communities to respond to and supervise. The ideas and the ideas will become stronger, and those who do not have the basic will fade over time.
Through the freedom of the Internet, we have a rare opportunity to tie human rights issues with our aspirations for economic prosperity together. The principles of Internet freedom is rooted in the openness that the Internet can still be an engine of ideas, innovation and economic growth. An open market for new products and services that form the catalyst for entrepreneurship, innovation, and investment. We have seen investment and innovation in the global Internet marketplace for countries seeking to open their Internet policy. As we move forward and "the square Internet" continues to grow, we are confident that we will be able to protect and promote the principles of freedom and security, transparency and confidentiality, and freedom of speech and tolerance. Overall, all the elements that are the pillars of a virtual world that is free and open to all

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Gebyar Pernikahan Pangeran William dan Kate

Prosesi di Gereja Westminster Abbey hingga ciuman di balkon Istana Buckingham, London, adalah puncak hari pernikahan Pangeran William dengan Kate Middleton, 29 April 2011. Namun, klimaks lain menyusul. Publik di luar istana kian histeris ketika Pangeran William dan istri - yang kini bergelar Duke dan Duchess of Cambdridge--berdua keluar dari istana.
Menuju tempat persinggahan mereka di Clarence House, seperti disiarkan BBC, dua sejoli calon pewaris tahta kerajaan Inggris itu mengendarai mobil Aston Martin Volante kap terbuka dengan plat mobil bertuliskan "Ju5t WED" berhias balon-balon. William memegang kemudi, sedangkan Kate duduk di sampingnya sambil melambaikan tangan kepada publik di segala penjuru.